Headmaster’s word

Dear visitor,
I would like to welcome you to Lazare de Schwendi College.

The College has a strong tradition of effective teaching and professionalism, driven by a genuine desire for fine results.
Due to the nature and demands of a global economy, we provide our students with valuable experience abroad, in the parts of Europe where English and German are widely spoken. So, those who volunteer are able to join CLIL classes as well as to partake in internships in Germany, England and even in Finland. That is why our College regularly takes part in Leonardo and Erasmus projects.

Our College is situated on the outskirts of Colmar, in the heart of the Alsatian wine country, and is connected to the school which shares the same name Lazare de Schwendi. The purpose of all those involved in our education system is to provide every student with the proper attributes needed to succeed in life, according to their abilities and preferences.The training courses offered by the College, technological and vocational oriented, are exactly what are needed to excel in the modern day business world.

By browsing this site, you will find that our courses are based on four sectors, technological (STI2D – Sustainable Development) and vocational (Electrical Engineering, Industrial Maintenance and Polymere Engineering) going from level V (Certificat d’Aptitude Professionnelle) through to level III (Brevet de Technicien Supérieur).
The initial training courses have been improved to further accommodate group learning. The BTS Europlastic – after the baccalauréat – has thus been integrated into the same class forming a mixture of groups. Our Plastics Sector, which has regularly obtained excellent examination results, occupies a top tier position in the Polymere Engineering National League table.
At the heart of our team »s priorities are the educational issues of today. These drive our teaching staff to find better teaching solutions and innovations to help tackle these issues. For example, the creation of the class seconde rebond and the implementation of ungraded evaluations have been put in place.
The college equally helps those who are more fragile in society. Support has been established through la Mission Générale de l’Insertion de Colmar and the ULIS class.
Finally, the class 3ème Prépa Professionnelle aids students who are in search of a professional and personal project in order to further their education in the vocational path.
The college has built relationships with businesses and has a network with over 200 companies enabling young people to learn, develop and follow their ambitions.
Young men and women who commit a real motivated effort will benefit by getting everything they need for a successful personal and professional future.

Our ambition is their success.

Isabelle MARTIN, Headmaster